Inspiration comes from a variety of sources, but movies can be particularly powerful for kids and teens.

Many of these films have a specific aim to persuade viewers to think a certain way, so parents can help kids understand different sides of the issues and learn valuable life lessons along the way.

Our list of movies to watch:

  • "The Pursuit of Happiness" - a fascinating story about a father who's willing to do everything he can to achieve success and provide a better life for his son. As a result, he becomes the founder of his own brokerage house.

  • "Good Will Hunting" - a story of an underachiever who lacked the right motivation, but found the right person to help him achieve the success and reach his potential.

  • "The Social Network" - this movie presents a story of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. The story shows how much hard work, motivation, and creativity was put into establishing what is now one of the most popular social media channels.

  • "The Theory of Everything" - a phenomenal award-winning film about Stephen Hawking, his life, achievements, discoveries, and disability. A true story of a brilliant person who achieved success regardless of his disability and life obstacles.

  • "Coach Carter" - a story of a basketball coach who tries to change young boys' lives by motivating them to achieve success and choose the right path in life.

What do you think of our list?

We'd love to know if you've got more movies to add!


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